
EarthAngels Welfare Foundation, a Mumbai based Indian not-for-profit organization registered as a section 8 company is a dream initiative of a group of professionals who pause to find a reason for their existence on this earth and hence came up with the simple idea of giving back to the society.

EAWF is passionately dedicated to the sole mission of “Sharing Joy” amongst the weaker segment of the society. It is also our quest to Empower & Enlighten the lives of the Underprivileged, so that they can envision a positive future & brighter tomorrow through Mentoring, Counseling, Educational Programs & Life Skills.

I volunteered at EAWF for a period of 3 months - Sept, 2021 to Nov, 2021. During this period, I raised Rs. 34,325/- as donations by sending donation proposals to my friends, teachers and parent's colleagues through various communication modes - WhatsApp, telephone calls and meetings. The money was used to provide food for the Adivasis whose access to food was cut off during COVID-19 Pandemic.